
Let's Talk About Periods

Happy Periods 😊 Well, there is a reason as to why I used the above emoji. And I guess its meaning is all displayed on your pretty face when you read the blog title. Oftentimes, many ladies embrace such a face when this subject is mentioned; and this is most prevalent among teenagers . Why? because they always feel shy talking about it. And who's to blame? Well, this is a sensitive question. And I guess you already got some answers running in your mind. I'll leave it to you to juggle on it. 
  My sentiments as we observe the International Day of the Girl Among the Sustainable Development Goals include Gender equality and quality education. Why these two? Because they most correspond to the needs of the girl as per the demand and focus of the International Day of the Girl. Every year, the 11 th of October is the International Day of the Girl . Since it’s advent on 11 th October 2012, there has been a world call for the girl to amplify their voices and stand up for their rights. According to the United Nations Declaration for Human Rights (1948) Article Number 26, “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.” Well, it is a right but not everyone has the wherewithal to get quality education. The 17 Sustainable Devel

Editing and Proofreading

  Editing and Proofreading and its impacts in the online space   You just submitted that online work that you spent nights awake to complete it. Then after the client review, she just finds so many grammatical errors in the first paragraph of your work. As a result, she just rejects the work even before reading it all. You get notified that your work was rejected and you decide never to online writing again, you convince yourself that it is for the veterans who have been in the industry for ages. Well, guess what? You just decided not to give yourself a room to learn where you went wrong and how to correct yourself. There’s no problem without a solution. What is  Editing and Proofreading and how are they related to the above case?   In most cases, the use of the two concepts is most always interrelated and at other times, they can be used independently. When asking someone to perform proofreading on your document, it means only proofreading and it’s not accompanied by editing.

Benefits of Technology in Delivering Services

    By Peninnah M. Muthengi   Imagine you are in a heavy traffic jam, the next ten minutes you are supposed to be in an interview room for that anticipated job! Then all of a sudden, you remember you forgot to carry all the necessary documents needed. On top of this, you lost the business card which had all the key contact information and address for the interview venue. Worst of it, it is your first time to set your foot in this place! There’s no single schema in your mind of how the place looks like and most probably you will meet the most inhumane people who hardly respond to strangers if you ask for directions! Will you go back home for the documents? What will you be thinking of at this very moment? This is your very first opportunity to win a job and you can’t afford to paint a “disorganized-person” picture for the first impression. Well, worry not. Technology became a global friend to save anyone in such a situation. All you need is to keep yourself updated in the most