Benefits of Technology in Delivering Services



By Peninnah M. Muthengi


Imagine you are in a heavy traffic jam, the next ten minutes you are supposed to be in an interview room for that anticipated job! Then all of a sudden, you remember you forgot to carry all the necessary documents needed. On top of this, you lost the business card which had all the key contact information and address for the interview venue. Worst of it, it is your first time to set your foot in this place! There’s no single schema in your mind of how the place looks like and most probably you will meet the most inhumane people who hardly respond to strangers if you ask for directions! Will you go back home for the documents? What will you be thinking of at this very moment? This is your very first opportunity to win a job and you can’t afford to paint a “disorganized-person” picture for the first impression.

Well, worry not. Technology became a global friend to save anyone in such a situation. All you need is to keep yourself updated in the most pertinent piece of technology, that suits your needs in the most suitable way. Technology is so vast a field to be dealt with. It can be in terms of medicine, infrastructure, agriculture, education, and any other field capable of evolution and whose improvement can be steered by technology. In this case, I focus on several sub-categories of technology. I did pose a question in the introduction, if you were in such a position, what would be the fastest and suitable solution to that problem which can render you into an entire-day-migraine? Technology is the best solution here.

With the advent of google clouds, one can save his or her scanned documents in the clouds. All you need to have is a device that can access google drive. You just upload all your vital documents there for easy access anywhere around the globe at any given time. This saves the need to carry the physical documents everywhere you are going.

About the address, do you even need to rely on cards again in this era we have google maps? In the introduction, I asked what you’ll do if you had lost the business card containing the key information regarding the interview venue. Well, if you do remember the name of the company inviting you for the interview, just simply embrace google maps as your friend by typing the name of the company in the search bar and it will bring you the exact location.

Business-wise, technology has also eased the way things get done. You no longer need to queue in the bank to withdraw money or check your account balance with the teller. Mobile banking has come in hand to save you the time, by accessing your bank account at your convenient time.

The benefits of technology in service delivery is wide enough, it will require thousands of words to describe such.



Devarajan, S. (2019, June 7). Can technology improve service delivery? Brookings.




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